Aileen Garcia Lab

Elevating Quality in Early Childhood Care

    Research has shown that children’s early relationships with their parents and care providers, together with nurturing environments, are the most important influences on their development. Yet, the U.S. continues to experience a child care crisis, with issues of availability, accessibility, and quality. This research project aims to identify best practices that improve quality in early childhood education and care in the state of South Dakota, as well as the best ways to support parents and early childhood professionals. This two-year project is funded by the South Dakota Department of Social Services, Division of Child Care Services. 

    Community Leader Work for United 4 Children

      Missouri Childhood Community Leaders, in partnership with United 4 Children, identify and connect families with resources, throughout the state, that ensure children are safe, healthy, and successful learners. ​Dr. Garcia is the Community Leader for the North Central region, which includes the following counties: Boone, Callaway, Cooper, Howard, Johnson, Lafayette, Montgomery, Pettis, Saline, and Warren. Together with another Community Leader, they also coordinate early care and education efforts in their region.​ The Missouri Childhood Community Leader initiative is part of the Early Care and Education Resource & Referral (ECERR) Network, which is funded by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Childhood. [I attached a PPT with more info on this project if additional info is needed.]